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HIAS (Handicap Index Adjustment System) In January 1992, Section 10-3 of the USGA Handicap System manual, Reduction of the USGA Handicap Index based on exceptional tournament scores, was put into effect. Section 10-3 is designed to reduce the Handicap Index of a player who scores much better in tournaments than in casual play. While it is true that some competitors do play better in competition than they do in everyday casual play, it is the opinion of many in the USGA that most competitors seem to “not” score as well in competition as they do in their casual rounds. There are competitors that finish near the top quite often, yet never seem to play well enough to have their handicap reduced under Section 10-3. THE AHMGC recognized that we had similar circumstances in our events. In speaking with AGA officials, it was suggested to look at the system designed by Dean L. Knuth and used by many of the Western States already. HIAS was designed by Dean L. Knuth who was the Senior Director of Handicapping for the USGA. We have, liberalized our system to be less punitive as our point system is 3, 2, 1, rather than 5, 4, 3 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. In addition, it should be noted the system does not denote “cheaters” it simply identifies members who finish in the winner’s circle more than the average member, or members who seem to do consistently well in tournaments when balanced against the average AHMGC member. The USGA Handicap System is designed to try and ensure all members are competing on an equal basis. We fully support that philosophy for all our members.
Monday and Wednesday
Handicap Index modifications are made on the first of each month
Mondays and Wednesdays/Special Events are evaluated separately
The system will recommend a 3 point decrease to current handicap index of 150% or more and a 2 point
decease of current handicap index between 149% and 140%.
The Handicap Index modification will remain in effect until the player's percent of top 30 players drops
below 140%
Monday Points are accumulated over last 12 consecutive months played.
Wednesday and Special events Points accumulated over last 12 consecutive months played.
Win = 3 points
2nd Place = 2 points
3rd, 4th, 5th Place = 1 point
The Handicap Modification formula is based on the work of the USGA Handicap Research Team.
The players total points are divided by the average points of the top 30 winners
The system will recommend a 3 point decrease to current handicap index of 150% or more
The system will recommend a 2 point decrease to current handicap index between 149% and 140%.
The Handicap Index modification will remain in effect until the player's percent drops below 140%
The Handicap Committee has the responsibility of agreeing, modifying or rejecting
the recommendation of the HIAS